The event lasted three days. The participants was presenting very interesting presentations in the topic Trenchless Engineering. 

We also presented the advantages of using removable sliding sets and seals in our machines. This technology makes that the our moles are strongest nad long-lived.

During the conference, we was presenting the exposition with our very popular machines and accesories. We was visited by many participants of the event.

The day before the event, we all together went into the banquiet hall, to wathing the footbal match between Poland and Czech Republic. The ambience was fantastic, we was playing very good. Of course our favorite was polish representation, but we had been impressed by the skills of Chech team, especially the goalkeeper - Peter Czech.

The final result 1:1 had glad most of us.
The nex day took placed the RODEO in TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY. Our team was represented by the person, which do not use trenchless machines on a daily basis: Sales Director, Product Manager and Sales Manager. So we raised the level of emotion.
Our MAX K130S turned out the most accurate.
The field for competition was prepared.

The opposing team was prepared for the competition.

We drew the holes

The bad weather caused that the water was appeared in our holes.

We started.The most important for us was the accurancy, especially in vertical surface. To make an inaccurate the work is an unacceptable, it may causes economical losses.

Our MAX K130S achieved the target. The vertical accuracy was very good.

And this is the results of other competitors:


During the last day of X Conference, took placed the Award Ceremony of TYTAN 2012. Our machine MAX K95S has been nominated in the category PRODUCT OF THE YEAR 2012 and won the 3rd place, among the five nominated products.
